Sunday, August 4, 2013

curt owen - 'home' // abu/bbjr - "everything/forever" // sex funeral/to the lovers, farewell - "split" / cassettes (personal archives)

curt owen – “home” 
some warped horns that almost sounds like synths. a mournfully sung piece, nice and subtlety accompanied, un-labelable by genre. smooth and textured. songs bubble, thrive, rise and fall organically. kinda like one of the guys playing with phillip glass hanging out at home and practicing his chops. a nice, sad piano track before a collection of warped speaking. plus a blast horn ending.   

listen : 'home'


aru/bbjr – “everything / forever” 
tribal rhythms under jagged guitar. kinda got that ‘apocalypse now’ feel to, like that drum heavy jam where the natives kill the cow as colonel kurtz meets his end. jammed out freely, some bleating morse code, drones, strangled melodic licks, there’s a dark feel under the surface, never shows its face fully. (extra points for weird transparent print cover/packaging.)


sex funeral / to the lovers, farewell – “split” 
sex funeral – loose jams, that build and fall back into themselves. the horns are heavy, they shriek and spit in a variety of languages and tones. scattering drums, organ or human bleeps, and some sorta strings maybe. free form and falling apart. like what the backing band for dylan’s ‘rainy day women #12/35’ played when bob wasn’t around.
to the lovers, farewell – more horns, slamming in and out of focus, fused by bits of feedback glue, looped and grinding along to meet a blasting noize frenzy, fast and freaked-out, fevered screams effected to death whizzing along

listen : 'split'


personal archives : sounds   /   merch


Sunday, July 7, 2013

gnawed - "patience is waste" // deign - "pecuniary huckster" / cassettes (out-of-body records)

gnawed - "patience is waste."
dark and brooding soundscapes. the death machines warming up, with the vultures circling the perimeter. a heavy grey cloud covers the whole horizon. the guards whisper to themselves and bark out orders as the life dies down. bars clang in the dungeon and screams die echoing thru the halls. despair, torment, anguish. fear bubbling up to the surface, gasping for oxygen as the furnace burns relentlessly. the chains rattles and the blood splatters the wall. doom sets in with ghosts aplenty, they wail.

listen : gnawed 


deign -  "pecuniary huckster"
dreamy in a torrential nightmare rain of washed out noize, pierced with trumpeted blasts, static waves cresting and falling, blasting through the undertow, ripping its way towards the reptilian part of the brain. breathing in a ghastly breathe and spitting poison. the devil pounding souls into nothingness. a dark undercurrent flowing through your ears and dissolving your brain. the hissing of life leaving the body, the carcass left behind is pure.

listen : deign

label info : out-of-body records


Sunday, June 30, 2013

various - "dyvnzmbr2" / cassette (dz tapes)

DYVNZMBR2 cover art

(note: this is probably the wrong blog to review this tape.)

this compilation is water themed complete with a nice narwhal in space cover. the first songs from ricky eat acid was by far our favorite, its full of nicely pluckt electronic mumblings, ala mario knocking a block with his head and getting a mushroom. after that it went downseahill, like frat boy hip-hop trying to hit on a deaf waitress and dance with her, songs sampled to death, drum and bass degrading into dumb face, fake tribal beats, bad kid a bleeps, overprocessed in the sea, as if someone trying trying out a synthesizer and recording it. usually compilations are all over the place, this one seems like one artist did it all or maybe that's just because it seems like all the songs got mastered through the same chorus pedal. you might hear this blasting if you're rich and there's a pool party on the top of your high-rise high-end apartment building overlooking the water. this is not for us -- but it might be for you, it might be your new summer jam, check it for yourself. 

listen / buy : dyvnzmbr2


Saturday, June 29, 2013

sistem busuk dari dalam - "bunga astral" / cassette (centipede farm)

fractured free form fragments from indonesia ? sounds like a loose jam where everyone's on acid waiting for the peak, the fear mounting tensely tense - outta country underdrive, enough noodles to shake chopsticks at long ass junk jam, a little demented with a barely structure that wobbles in no time signature, jagged, strangling guitar, free jazzy clawing.

listen : bunga astral


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

weakwick – “nephyte” / cassette (self-release)

weakwick. weakwick. don’t let the pastel cover and tape fool you, there lies within a bunch of blasting noize rock with some tortured snotty kid vocals, fierce and turning blue from lack of oxygen, big drums and big amps. like when the garbage truck smashes trash inside it and leaves a trail of juice down the street, some longer slammers. one side mostly turned up-face kick, other side mixes that up with some minimal electronics, as if a house fire with your family inside it.

listen : weakwick
buy : the band ? / distros


Sunday, June 2, 2013

blood lake – “black blood” / cassette (tru tapes)

cryptically introduced, perfect slow sad casio dream pop. somber singing floating on top of half-broken keyboard drum machines and cool ocean waves of delicate hidden melodies and fragmented harmonies. sea bird rebuilding a nest. simply well done.
on ‘sorry toad but sky guy is another castle’, going off like no-fi casio hip hop, golden summer hit, best song we heard in a while. taking a row boat out to sea with a storm on the horizon.

listen : blood lake / black blood     / buy : tru tapes


Saturday, June 1, 2013

third i - "glitch pieces" / cassette (the centipede farm)

like if the old school america online dial up modem sound started its own band and branched out. fried electronics, mixers thrown in with the bathwater, noize band soundcheck. file under list missed connections for dos computer, as if circuit girl’s bent gone pedals wild with some dying eight bit nintendo, static hissing and spitting. serbia rocks again. the sound of robot nightmares.

listen : glitch     /     buy : centipede store     
